Hair was done with burnt umber, black, burnt seinna.
Also done with the skin part here... except for hand. Painting the feet took some time, and now it has come out well.
I used burnt sienna, Alizarin crimson and white to create different shades of flesh colors. Feet are having very high difference between the shades to create a proper shape. Tummy area was easy though. Most of my time went into the feet and face.

Blouse and hand also finished.
Blouse was easy. Used veridian hue and black to create the right color. Added lot of black for the cloth lines. Bindi is with alizarin crimson.
Hands was a bit tough. have put the dark shade by adding lots of burnt umber.

Ahhh... finally.... Third level done
Sari complete.
Used titanium white to first paint the sari. Then created waves using grey (mix of white and very little black). Then painted the embroidery using 3 colors. First base dots with a mix of 'Gold, Alizarin crimson and burnt sienna'. Then added few dots of veridian hue on border of each embroidery peice. Last put lots of dots of gold on each peince and wallaaaa... all done. Border embroidery also done in the same way.
Remaining are background and arm under the hair.
I think i will have to repaint the hair.
Here i painted the background. White and grey.
Had to paint over the hair, as i didnt realise that background color under the hair should have been done before.
Finished with Hair as well !!!! At Last !!
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